Since the Dark Templar model was given an overhaul many months back (it was given a scythe among other things) there has been dozen of epic discussions on the boards and plenty of fan back lash. Clearly the developers are at odds among themselves over which model they prefer and thus they have turned to the fans to break this stalemate. Choose between either the model with one sci-blade that represents the Lenassa tribe, the model with a scythe that represents the Zer'atai tribe, or both. Don't think that voting for both is a cop-out, Blizzard is prepared to put both models in the game and have them randomly deploy when you train them. This would add some variety to your army but also may add some confusion for the wow goldplayer. The choice is yours. Hit the jump to see videos of each Dark Templar, check out 4 brand new screenshots, and oh, yeah vote! To view Blizzard's Dark Templawow goldr page and the screenshot/videos of each model click here. Or just view the video below. To vote on Blizzard's official poll click here. (Note: You need to be a member of the boards which meanwow golds you must have a valid CD key from a Blizzard product) If you don't have a CD key or a board account you can still vote on omgStarCraft's poll below and I will make sure wow goldKarune and the dev's get our results so your voice will be heard.
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