Scientists through the analysis of the market is selling the mineral water, found the chemical constituents of estrogen in the plastic packaging from drinking water to infiltrate. Moreover, these chemical constituents of living organisms in the body can really play a role in New Zealand will expedite the development of embryos escargot.
The findings from the plastic packaging for the first time that out of the chemical composition of infiltration with the actual function of estrogen. This study found that published in the academic world's second-largest publishing giant Springe newly published "Environmental Science and Pollution Research" magazine.
Packaging materials in order to identify the chemical composition of whether or not penetrate into the food, the scientists detected the sale of Germany in the 20 brands of mineral water, of which nine kinds of equipment for the glass bottles, nine kinds of plastic bottles, and the other for the two kinds of paper and The composite material of plastic film packaging. Scientists from taking these products in water samples, water samples after the use of the cement in New Zealand to do the breeding experiments to determine the source of estrogen addition to the origin and function, found that 60% of the samples contain the chemical constituents of estrogen, of which 33% of the water bottles contain estrogen, and estrogen-containing plastic bottled water is as high as 78%. Moreover, the water contained in glass bottles estrogen component less than the plastic bottled water. In addition, two kinds of composite packaged drinking water brands also contain a considerable number of components of estrogen.
Cement through the New Zealand breeding experiments, scientists found on the plastic bottle of the river snail breeding is the number of times in glass bottles. These results prove that water contained in the synthetic estrogen pollution by infiltration from the plastic packaging of chemical substances.
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