Breast glands from 15 - 20 leaf glands, each gland is divided into a number of leaf gland lobules, each gland lobule and from 10 - 100 acinar component. Acinar closely with those in the small duct around the opening with small acinar duct connected. Brings together a number of small duct into inter-lobular duct, a number of inter-lobular duct further together into a whole gland ductal leaves, also known as duct lose. Duct lose a total of 15 - 20 root呈放射状to the nipple as the center with a collection of the areola, the nipple openings, known as the lost hole milk. Breast cancer (mammary carcinoma) is one of the most common human malignant tumors, malignant tumors is one of the main female. Countries due to geographical conditions, different lifestyles, the incidence of breast cancer are very different. Most of North America and the Nordic countries is the high incidence of female breast cancer, a number of countries in South America and southern Europe for the medium, while in Asia, Latin America and Africa is lower in most areas. In North America, two in Europe and other developed countries, the incidence of female breast cancer rates of women in the first incidence of malignant tumors. According to the American Cancer Society estimates that 120,000 U.S. each year new cases of breast cancer incidence rate of 72.2/10 million deaths in 1976 to 33,000 the number of breast cancer. Breast cancer in our country the incidence of various regions are not the same, although our country in the world of female breast cancer in countries of low-fat. However, in recent years the incidence of breast cancer increased significantly. In particular, Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and China's coastawow goldl areas with high breast cancer. The highest in Shanghai, Shanghai 1972, an incidence rate of breast cancer 20.l/10 million, compared to 28/10 million in 1988, ranking woman in the second malignant tumor. According to information available, the natural course of breast cancer is usually very long, the doubling time of breast cancer cells in an average of 90 days, malignant cells from the first start, after 30 doubled to reach tumor diameter of lcm of the ball, which takes 7 ~ 8 years. The etiology of breast cancer has not yet fully clear, the best way to reduce mortality is early detection wow goldand treatment. Shift in the tumor prior to surgery and radiotherapy alone can cure the vast majority of cases. The event of transfer, the active treatment only a small number of patients cured, the laws of nature, therefore understanding of breast cancer. Help in the selection of the best programs for the treatment of breast cancer. Tip: breast self-important day-to-day Check the appropriate time to wow goldonce a month, each should be the first menstrual about 10 days. Because the breast tissue at this time by various endocrine hormones minimum, breast glands are relatively soft, the check will not be affected by the situation brought about by physiological factors cyclical breast tissue hyperemia, swelling, such as interference, to compare the true , accurately reflects the pathological changes of breast tissue. After a month as a result of different time cyclwow goldes of the glands in different organizations can have more, it should bear in mind at the same time each month into the breast self-examination.
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